How much Love are you Shutting out Because of Fear?

Sometimes on my early morning run I come home and find I am locked out of the house. I know I left the door open because it can only be locked from the outside with a key.

My daughter leaves for work before I come home from my run and I think it is very loving of her to consider the safety of her family and take the time to dig for her keys and lock the door so she can keep those she loves safe.

The other day during the irritation of finding myself locked out of the house again I chose to look beyond the inconvenience of having to root some child out of bed to open the door and I noticed some symbolism.

How often do we close the door to our heart in an effort to keep ourselves safe not knowing who we are shutting out?

A little deeper and broader – How often do we conform to legalistic systems that promise safety but end up unintentionally marginalizing those who want to be included and could bless our lives?

The core belief as to why we close off our hearts is the idea that we are in danger. It is fear. When we are afraid we button down the hatches, get rigid in our thinking, we start worshiping the rules instead of worshiping God. What if the truth is, we are always safe?

We unconsciously attempt to prevent bad things from happening because we want to avoid experiencing feelings of discomfort, yet those uncomfortable feelings were usually the catalyst to our spiritual growth.

Fear does not generate wisdom, prudence does. Prudence is the ability to see ahead and govern oneself by the use of reason. Unfortunately our reasoning is limited to our knowledge, so prudence can only be engaged to the extent of our knowledge.

It would have been prudent for my daughter to keep the house unlocked, but she didn’t have the knowledge that I was out running.

Be Fearless
I have a secret. Your fear has not kept you safe, somehow God and the Universe will still find a way of providing us scary opportunities for growth regardless of how rigid we have become about protecting our self.

Being fearless has been a theme that is meant for us to have the courage to do hard things. But when we realize just how much fear motivates our actions we will wake up to a whole new world of possibilities. I am not inviting people to be reckless with their lives, prudence is the virtue that allows one to know the difference between courage and recklessness.

Ironically, when we live in a state of fear we are most vulnerable, we are suggestible and easily controlled by others who will play on our fears. We turn our authority over to others because we think they know what is best for us and we substitute their counsel for our ability to receive direct guidance for our self. The pastor will threaten you with the damnation of your soul to keep you coming to church. The product promoter will point out the dangers of other products to position theirs as superior. The politician will twist the truth to feed on your fears in a hope that you will give them you votes. Becoming truly fearless is realizing we don’t see the whole picture and doing what it take to see all sides and then using prudence and critical thinking to choose for our self in the absence of fear.

If we talk a little about the power of the mind and your electromagnetic body, your thoughts are electric and your emotions are magnetic. Fear is a powerful emotion and every emotion attached to a thought has the magnetic ability to draw experiences to validate that thought.

Your thoughts are powerful, but adding the emotion of fear to those thoughts is engaging your powers of creation to manifest disaster. The virtues of faith and prudence can neutralize our destructive thoughts and bring us back into a place of peace, the desired state of our soul.

We cannot be in a state of fear and be one with God. When we are infused with the Holy Spirit we dissolve all illusions of danger. We are no longer participating in the 3rd dimensional game of duality. We are more equipped to see how others are using fear to persuade and we have no need to get sucked in.

Who and what have you locked out of your house? What would trading in fear for prudence do to increase your ability to give and receive more love?

A Prayer for Prudence: Holy Spirit, I choose to trade in my fear for prudence. Please increase my ability to recognize when I am coming from a place of fear so I may root it out and replace it with courage and wisdom. I choose to open the gates to my heart and allow those things I have feared in the past, that are no longer for my highest and greatest good, to dissolve. I forgive those I have feared and those who fear me. I accept that in Thee, I am always safe.

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